Wednesday, July 3, 2013

32 Weeks & Fireworks!!!!

I had my 32 week doctors appointment and so far so good. Finally was able to pin Dr. B into scheduling a date for my repeat C-section. August 19th cannot come fast enough at this point, as the very large and very uncomfortable phase set in last week. I feel larger this time than how I felt with Gemma. But on a positive note I am not nearly as swollen as last time. Still have this sinking feeling I'm not going to make it to 39 weeks as I delivered early with Gemma due to pre-eclampsia. And even though my swelling has been better, my blood pressure these past few weeks have been on the high side of borderline. We will see what happens between now and my next appointment at 35 weeks, as I am familiar with the warning signs of  pre-eclampsia I am always on the lookout for anything alarming. At least after this next appointment I will hopefully have some more pictures of our growing boy to share as they are doing a scan to determine how large he is, even the doctor made a comment about what a good size he currently is.

So big prayers that I keep this little man in for at least a few more weeks. I really don't want Sean to have to do any time in the NICU if I can help it, which of course I can only do so much the rest is up to the big man upstairs.

On top of all the pregnancy stuff, Gemma is teething something fierce and we are currently battling cold like symptoms as well. Here's hoping that if I dose her with allergy meds and some Orajel we will be able to enjoy all the awesome festivities for Fourth of July tomorrow. We will at least be enjoying an amazing breakfast at Cartwright's and watching the parade down on the square. Gemma as usual will determine if we continue the day by checking out the Festival in the park after the parade.

Hope everyone has a safe and happy Fourth of July. Enjoy the festivities, but lets not forget we are celebrating our nations independence and all it took to get it.



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