Sunday, October 6, 2013

Is it really October already?

So after a very reaffirming morning at church, I felt a weight lifted that has had me blocked from continuing to share my life with you guys. I had barely begun this blog when we were blind sighted by losing Sean. And after sharing his story I couldn't bring myself to face my blog again. Hard to believe but it's been 11 weeks already since our little man went to Heaven. While it was hard to believe it would ever happen, life has indeed moved on and we aren't constantly consumed with grief. Recently my heart has been lightened and I decided that by continuing to share our journey I could be another voice for those who have suffered infant loss.

And it's very fitting since October is Pregnancy/Infant Loss Awareness month. So to all the other parents out there who are remembering their angels this month I encourage you to share your story. Our experience is still considered taboo by many and isn't discussed openly. Even while I was still in the hospital people wouldn't just say what happened, it was a subject that was tiptoed around. Since then I have decided to share our story (heck shout it from the rooftop if people would listen) and have been blessed by doing so. Many people who had been quiet about their losses have since shared with me because I was so open and honest about our story. Just goes to show you there are more of us out there than we know, so I just encourage you to share with others.

I will add that not all responses have been 100% positive. Some people have told us that we couldn't possibly be grieving or in pain because we continue on with our lives and share our story with a smile on our faces. We are still learning what our new version of normal is and continue to learn to live with this hole in our hearts. But a big part of my being able to move past our loss is the fact the Lord has placed a great amount of peace on our hearts and has moved us in new directions. I will share more on those new avenues as they continue to unfold. Many things are still in the beginning stages, but we are hopeful and extremely encouraged where our lives are heading. And we refuse to hide how God has worked in positive ways in our lives and continues to hold us in his hands in all that we do. It is not a bad thing to remember our Angels but continue to live our lives to the fullest and feel great joy in the days we are given.

I along with many others around the world will be lighting a candle for our Angel Baby on October 15th at 7:00pm. You can find events that might be in your area by clicking this link. There are so many support and awareness pages that I wouldn't be able to list them all. But just Google and you can find a  support group or just other people to talk to or hear their stories.

Hope everyone has a Blessed Sunday!

I would love to hear other peoples stories, if you would like to share you can do so below! 

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